Personal visits to moms delivering atPiedmont Mountainside Hospital
- Welcome, Baby bag of goodies.
- A Community Resource Guide to link families to all the local service agencies.
- Parenting Handouts on Care for Mom & Baby, Child Care, Family Relationships, Child Development, and Safety for Your Baby.
- Invitation to fun and educational family activities
- Opportunity to enroll in the Parents as Teachers Program.
To invest in our future, we need to give parents the education and support they need to promote their young child’s healthy development and prepare them for success in school and life. Parents as Teachers (PAT) provides the information, support, and encouragement parents need to help their children develop optimally during the crucial early years of life. Parents as Teachers is a parent education and family support program serving families throughout pregnancy until their child turns four. It is designed to enhance child development and school readiness through in-home visitation.
All children will learn, grow and develop to realize their full potential and receive:
- Personal Visits – during which your Parent Educator will share age-appropriate child development and parenting information using the “Born to Learn” model
- Parent Group Meetings – opportunities to share information about parenting issues and child development.
- Screening – to assess your child’s overall development, health, hearing, and vision.
- Resource Network– that links your family to other community services.
- Kids Kash – the incentive program that allows families to earn essential items for their children at Christmas.