April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
PCA Pickens joined Commissioner Rob Jones as he signed the Proclamation declaring April as Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Month. Thank you for the show of support from everyone in attendance. Since 1983 the U.S. has recognized April as CAP month, and this year PCA Pickens is encouraging everyone in Pickens County to play a role in making our community a better place for children and families. By ensuring that parents have the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to care for their children, we can help prevent child abuse and neglect by creating strong and thriving children, youth, and families in our communities.
We recognize the importance of working together to prevent child abuse and neglect. During the month of April and throughout the year, we are working to increase awareness and provide education and support to families. Our Blue Dress Campaign is on-going and we have 100 Women in our community raising $200 each to help us fight this battle. Our Celebration Tea is open to everyone and will be held on Friday, May 17th at the Woodbridge Inn in Jasper. For information and tickets, visit our Blue Dress Campaign page on PCApickens.org
To find out how you can help contact the PCAP office at 706-253-6488.